The insider threat is often considerably less frequent than external attacks, but when it does occur, it usually poses a significantly greater risk to enterprises. While evil individuals may commit them, negligence is more often the cause. Companies should give internal risk identification and mitigation a greater priority than investing in new security techniques and technology to safeguard against external threats.


Here are the top 3 high-risk habits that jeopardize IT security:


  1. Sharing login information is a bad idea since it compromises security. Sharing login information is far too frequently more practical than requiring each user to have their own login. But by doing so, they expose the business to data breach. While it might not be feasible to totally eliminate shared credentials, a password manager that can be used by several people who require common access can hide the actual password from the user while still making it available.


  1. People download illicit apps to their work computers or mobile devices, often known as “shadow IT” or “installing web applications.” When they subscribe to Software as a Service (SaaS) apps without IT approval, it may also happen. It is inevitable that employees will view their desktop or laptop as personal since they spend so much time using it. The goal may be good—listening to music online, looking for cheap flights, or buying for personal items—but the threat is very real. Malvertising on sites this popular typically leads to compromise.


  1. Transferring files to personal storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, and other services are frequently practical methods of distributing company documents among employees for collaboration or for usage at home and at the office. Although the commitment is admirable, the activity is nevertheless risky. Popular services were developed more for comfort than for security.


What’s the remedy? updates and reminders regularly. The methods employed at manufacturing facilities to reduce accidents are drastically different from this. There should be more than one training session during onboarding. Frequent security and IT updates are crucial.


You might be wondering how we came to these particular actions. Our team reviewed more than 1 billion logs daily to ensure the security of our customers, and this information is based on their observations. In addition to monitoring, training is essential. Several of these behaviors can be seen, and as a result, suitable actions, such training, can be implemented.


As President Reagan observed, Doveryai, no proveryai.


Do you want to know more about compromising behaviors to IT security? Contact us today or email us at for a demo.