In the 1990s, as the World Wide Web expanded, it created new opportunities and sectors while also introducing new connectivity drawbacks. Email accounts started to get inundated with spam, and computer viruses wrecked havoc on company networks. Computer hacking, a new threat, expanded the definition of theft to include breaking into your computer, taking your personal information, coercing you into disclosing private information, and then using that information to steal and extort personal information, including business secrets, bank account information, and even people’s identities.

Hackers typically get access to equipment with nefarious intent, much like other burglars do. (White hat hackers, who businesses engage to hack into their equipment and discover security problems that need to be patched, are an exception, though.) Hackers may try to steal, alter, or destroy data from your devices, and they frequently accomplish this by installing malware (software used for harmful reasons), which you might not even be aware has installed. Before you become aware of a break-in, these thieves might gain access to your most important data.

The majority of businesses rely on the internet to check their finances, order and keep inventory, run marketing and PR efforts, connect with consumers, participate in social media, and carry out other crucial operations—despite the presence of computer hackers. Yet even at huge organizations with advanced security safeguards, we frequently learn about significant computer intrusions.

There are few simple ways you can ensure and safeguard your business:

1. Activate the firewall before accessing the internet. Depending on your broadband router, which also includes built-in firewall to safeguard your network, you may also buy hardware firewall from businesses like Cisco, Sophos, or Fortinet. 
You can buy an additional business networking firewall if your company is bigger.
2. By identifying real-time threats and preserving your data, antivirus software is crucial to safeguarding your machine. Some cutting-edge antivirus solutions offer automatic updates, further safeguarding your computer against the fresh threats that surface daily. Don’t forget to use your antivirus application after installing it. To keep your computer virus-free, run or program routine virus scans.
3. Spyware is a specific kind of software that covertly watches and gathers data from individuals or businesses. It tends to produce unwanted adverts or search results that are intended to send you to specific (sometimes malicious) websites and is built to be difficult to detect and delete.
4. Always be careful with your password. Never use known terms or phrases that stand in for birthdays or other personally identifiable information. Don’t use the same password twice. Consider utilizing a password manager like Dashlane, Sticky Password, LastPass, or Password Boss if you have too many passwords to remember.
5. Make a computer backup. You should start backing up your hard disk right away if your company isn’t currently doing so. Having a backup of your data is essential in case hackers manage to break in and destroy your system. Always make sure you can recover as quickly as you can if you experience a data loss or incident. Start with the backup programs included with Windows (File History) and macOS (Time Machine). These utilities can also be used effectively with enough capacity on an external backup hard disk.
And lastly, you need to be careful in choosing your partner in applying safety protocols in your business – may it be big or small. Learn more on how to be at ease in protecting your company.